Heroes, not superheroes.

Characters, not caricatures.

Real people. Real stories.

Lives lived.

If only we were more animalistic.

Would we be more patient?  Would we use only that which we need?

Would we help one another without question? Without expectation? Without judgment?

Would we learn to accept? To respect? To love? Could we? Can we?

Nature doesn't care what you look like. Nature doesn't care what you possess. Nature is not impressed by you, no matter how you try.

But nature does want you. It sees you. It can comfort you when you feel pain. It can guide you when you are lost and teach you when you are unsure.

And it will. If you let it.

How far are we from being human?

Do we look up? Do we notice? Do we even know how anymore?

We walk over other forms of life around us. Walk over them like they don't exist.

We do the same to our neighbors, our classmates, our friends. Our fellow humans.

We don’t notice. We don’t notice them.

Do we even know how?


We toss them around. We throw them away. We disregard them because we know they are replaceable. They are not alive and they do not have feelings. They are separate.

Is this any different from how we treat each other? As objects, not people?

When I am an object, how difficult is it for you to hurt me?

I was an object. To be tossed around. To be used, consumed and thrown away. He didn’t see me. Me. He couldn’t. He didn’t know how. Because he had never seen that flower.

We can.

We can start to look at things differently.

To love from the ground up.

From the smallest blade of grass to the highest mountain, we can begin to see. To notice. To respect.

To respect. From these lessons, these examples, this life. Ourselves. Each other.

Let's move in a different direction.

Not further from humanity but closer to it. Back to where we began.

Closer to this beautiful world we are missing every day.