The currency of creativity must be restored.
D. Gordon Productions
D. Gordon Productions was founded by writer/director Tom Edsall.
Our projects focus on the important themes of our time, whether it be serious issues like sexual assault, human trafficking and indoctrination, or more light-hearted topics like why movies suck so bad lately.
The name D. Gordon Productions comes from Tom’s oldest brother, Douglas, who, tragically, left us too soon. He was the main creative inspiration for Tom as a young boy, and still carries weight and influence in Tom’s stories.
Tom’s main focus is on writing, working to craft stories of human struggle, strife and, eventually triumph, that are based in the reality of our everyday lives. You won’t find CGI, explosions or cartoon characters here. They guy sitting by the side of the road in a threadbare Brooks Brothers suit? That’s the guy you’ll meet here.